Angle | Distance | Time | Velocity | AngularVelocity

Units: seconds, (nano|micro|milli)seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years

The Time class stores an amount of Time. It can be created from any of the units above, and you can get the value from it in any of the units above. Once the Time is created, the value cannot be changed.

Time has a few math functions: abs (absolute value), signum (returns the sign), add, subtract, multiply, and divide.


package ftc.electronvolts.util.units;

 * This file was made by the electronVolts, FTC team 7393
 * Date Created: 10/5/16

public class Time {
     * Constants to relate various units to seconds
     * The reciprocal of each constant is calculated once to be used multiple
     * times later
    private static final double S_PER_NS = 1e-9;
    private static final double S_PER_US = 1e-6;
    private static final double S_PER_MS = 0.001;
    private static final double S_PER_MIN = 60;
    private static final double S_PER_HR = 3600;
    private static final double S_PER_DAY = 86400;
    private static final double S_PER_WEEK = 604800;
    private static final double S_PER_MONTH = 2.628e+6;
    private static final double S_PER_YEAR = 3.154e+7;

    private static final double NS_PER_S = 1 / S_PER_NS;
    private static final double US_PER_S = 1 / S_PER_US;
    private static final double MS_PER_S = 1 / S_PER_MS;
    private static final double MIN_PER_S = 1 / S_PER_MIN;
    private static final double HR_PER_S = 1 / S_PER_HR;
    private static final double DAY_PER_S = 1 / S_PER_DAY;
    private static final double WEEK_PER_S = 1 / S_PER_WEEK;
    private static final double MONTH_PER_S = 1 / S_PER_MONTH;
    private static final double YEAR_PER_S = 1 / S_PER_YEAR;

    private static final Time zero = new Time(0);

    // The time in seconds
    private final double seconds;

     * private constructor to create a Time object from a value in seconds
     * @param seconds the time in seconds
    private Time(double seconds) {
        this.seconds = seconds;

     * @return the absolute value of the time
    public Time abs() {
        return new Time(Math.abs(seconds));

     * @return the sign of the angle
    public double signum() {
        return Math.signum(seconds);

     * Adds two Times together
     * @param time1 the first Time object
     * @param time2 the second Time object
     * @return the resulting Time
    public static Time add(Time time1, Time time2) {
        return new Time(time1.seconds + time2.seconds);

     * Subtracts time2 from time1
     * @param time1 the first Time object
     * @param time2 the second Time object
     * @return the resulting Time
    public static Time subtract(Time time1, Time time2) {
        return new Time(time1.seconds - time2.seconds);

     * Multiplies a Time object by a number
     * @param time the Time object
     * @param number the number to multiply by
     * @return the resulting Time
    public static Time multiply(Time time, double number) {
        return new Time(time.seconds * number);

     * Divides a Time object by a number
     * @param time the Time object
     * @param number the number to divide by
     * @return the resulting Time
    public static Time divide(Time time, double number) {
        return new Time(time.seconds / number);

     * Create a Time that has a value of 0
     * @return the created Time
    public static Time zero() {
        return zero;

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        long temp;
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(seconds);
        result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        return result;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) return true;
        if (obj == null) return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
        Time other = (Time) obj;
        if (Double.doubleToLongBits(seconds) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.seconds)) return false;
        return true;

    // create Time objects from various units
    public static Time fromSeconds(double v) {
        return new Time(v);

    public static Time fromNanoseconds(double v) {
        return new Time(v * S_PER_NS);

    public static Time fromMicroseconds(double v) {
        return new Time(v * S_PER_US);

    public static Time fromMilliseconds(double v) {
        return new Time(v * S_PER_MS);

    public static Time fromMinutes(double v) {
        return new Time(v * S_PER_MIN);

    public static Time fromHours(double v) {
        return new Time(v * S_PER_HR);

    public static Time fromDays(double v) {
        return new Time(v * S_PER_DAY);

    public static Time fromWeeks(double v) {
        return new Time(v * S_PER_WEEK);

    public static Time fromMonths(double v) {
        return new Time(v * S_PER_MONTH);

    public static Time fromYears(double v) {
        return new Time(v * S_PER_YEAR);

    // get time in various units
    public double seconds() {
        return seconds;

    public double nanoseconds() {
        return seconds * NS_PER_S;

    public double microseconds() {
        return seconds * US_PER_S;

    public double milliseconds() {
        return seconds * MS_PER_S;

    public double minutes() {
        return seconds * MIN_PER_S;

    public double hours() {
        return seconds * HR_PER_S;

    public double days() {
        return seconds * DAY_PER_S;

    public double weeks() {
        return seconds * WEEK_PER_S;

    public double months() {
        return seconds * MONTH_PER_S;

    public double years() {
        return seconds * YEAR_PER_S;