Additional Features
EVLib includes the state-machine-framework, so all the features of the state-machine-framework can be used from EVLib.
- the Motor interfaces
- creating motors and continuous servos
- grouping motors
- driving mecanum wheels
- control of mecanum wheels
- servo configuration
- servo speed control
- abstract opmodes
- abstract teleop
- abstract autonomous
- tuning the servo presets
- selecting options for autonomous
- gamepad button edge detection and joystick scaling
- EVStates factory class
- EVEndConditions factory class
- EVStateMachineBuilder
- analog sensors
- digital sensors
- frame grabbing with OpenCV
- image processing with OpenCV
- line sensor
- double line sensor
- color sensor
- line finder
- averaging analog sensors
- global telemetry
- step timer for logging
- file utilities
- [[LineSensorArray]] that uses the i2c SparkFun Line Follower Array
- frame grabbing with Vuforia
- image processing with Vuforia
- [[Joystick Recorder]] for "playback" in autonomous
Planned Features
- [[TaskWeb]] to manage executing and moving between multiple tasks on the field
- [[Particle Detection]] for autonomous recollection
- [[Position Tracker]] to read encoders for position info and return to a set location after driving