Currently in the autonomous we have the following:
//define the DRIVE state to drive for 2 feet and move to the STOP state
b.add(, S.STOP, Distance.fromFeet(2), robotCfg.getTwoMotors(), 0.5));
It would be nice if we didn't have to specify the robot's max speed and the motors to use for each drive state. The solution for that is to make a class that extends StateMachineBuilder. This custom builder will store the parameters that appear commonly in the drive state and add a convenience method with fewer arguments.
The line above could be changed to:
//more readable and less tedious to type
b.addDrive(S.DRIVE, S.STOP, Distance.fromFeet(2), 0.5);
Here is the subclass to StateMachineBuilder with the convenience method:
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.sample.v2;
import ftc.electronvolts.statemachine.StateMachineBuilder;
import ftc.electronvolts.statemachine.StateName;
import ftc.electronvolts.util.units.Distance;
import ftc.evlib.hardware.motors.TwoMotors;
import ftc.evlib.statemachine.EVStates;
* This file was made by the electronVolts, FTC team 7393
* Date Created: 10/18/16
* A sample extension of the StateMachineBuilder.
* This subclass adds one convenience method for autonomous opmodes.
public class SampleStateMachineBuilder extends StateMachineBuilder {
* The drive motors
private final TwoMotors twoMotors;
* Create a SampleStateMachineBuilder, passing it the drive motors
* The drive motors will be passed to the drive state every time
* @param firstStateName the state to start with
* @param twoMotors the robot's drive motors
public SampleStateMachineBuilder(StateName firstStateName, TwoMotors twoMotors) {
this.twoMotors = twoMotors;
* convenience method for adding a drive state
* @param stateName the name of the state
* @param nextStateName the name of the state to go to after the drive is complete
* @param distance the distance to drive
* @param velocity the velocity to drive at
public void addDrive(StateName stateName, StateName nextStateName, Distance distance, double velocity) {
//add the drive state with the motors and speed from sampleRobotCfg
add(, nextStateName, distance, twoMotors, velocity));
We then have to change our creation of the StateMachineBuilder to create this new subclass instead, and then we can simplify the drive state.
Here is the autonomous with both changes:
This example uses guava to initialize lists, which we have left for alternative methods.
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.sample.v2;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous;
import ftc.electronvolts.statemachine.StateMachine;
import ftc.electronvolts.statemachine.StateName;
import ftc.electronvolts.util.InputExtractor;
import ftc.electronvolts.util.files.Logger;
import ftc.electronvolts.util.units.Distance;
import ftc.evlib.opmodes.AbstractAutoOp;
* This file was made by the electronVolts, FTC team 7393
* Date Created: 10/18/16
* A sample autonomous that drives forward for 2 feet.
* This one uses a custom builder
@Autonomous(name = "SampleAuto V2")
public class SampleAuto extends AbstractAutoOp<SampleRobotCfg> {
* defines all the possible states for the state machine
* modify this to have whatever states you want
private enum S implements StateName {
public StateMachine buildStates() {
//create a new builder for the states, starting with the DRIVE state
//this time we are using the custom builder and passing it the drive motors from the robotCfg
SampleStateMachineBuilder b = new SampleStateMachineBuilder(S.DRIVE, robotCfg.getTwoMotors());
//define the DRIVE state to drive for 2 feet and move to the STOP state
//the old code without the custom builder:
// b.add(, S.STOP, Distance.fromFeet(2), robotCfg.getTwoMotors(), 0.5));
//the new code (more readable and less tedious to type):
b.addDrive(S.DRIVE, S.STOP, Distance.fromFeet(2), 0.5);
//define the STOP state to be empty (and never exit) so the state machine will stop
//build and return the StateMachine
protected SampleRobotCfg createRobotCfg() {
return new SampleRobotCfg(hardwareMap);
protected Logger createLogger() {
//it will save logs in /FTC/logs/autonomous[....].csv on the robot controller phone
return new Logger("autonomous", ".csv", ImmutableList.of(
//each one of these is a column in the log file
new Logger.Column("state", new InputExtractor<StateName>() {
public StateName getValue() {
return stateMachine.getCurrentStateName();
new Logger.Column("leftMotor power", new InputExtractor<Double>() {
public Double getValue() {
return robotCfg.getTwoMotors().getValue(0);
new Logger.Column("rightMotor power", new InputExtractor<Double>() {
public Double getValue() {
return robotCfg.getTwoMotors().getValue(1);
protected void setup_act() {
protected void go() {
protected void act() {
protected void end() {
I might not seem like a big improvement, but it makes a huge difference when you have upwards of 20 drive states you are trying to debug. It can also be applied to states that take more parameters, such as a gyro turn which needs TwoMotors, a GyroSensor, and a rotation speed (which could then be the same for all gyro turns).
The next step is to use Servo Presets to add some features to the servos.