Here is the SampleRobotConfig with the servo names and presets added:
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.sample.v3;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.HardwareMap;
import java.util.Map;
import ftc.electronvolts.util.units.Distance;
import ftc.electronvolts.util.units.Time;
import ftc.electronvolts.util.units.Velocity;
import ftc.evlib.hardware.config.RobotCfg;
import ftc.evlib.hardware.motors.Motors;
import ftc.evlib.hardware.motors.TwoMotors;
import ftc.evlib.hardware.servos.ServoCfg;
import ftc.evlib.hardware.servos.ServoName;
import ftc.evlib.hardware.servos.Servos;
* This file was made by the electronVolts, FTC team 7393
* Date Created: 10/18/16
* A more complicated configuration of a robot with 2 motors and 2 servos.
public class SampleRobotCfg extends RobotCfg {
* the speed of the robot at 100% power
* you should replace this with a measured value
private static final Velocity MAX_SPEED = new Velocity(Distance.fromInches(50), Time.fromSeconds(5));
* the drive motors of the robot
private final TwoMotors twoMotors;
* stores all the servos of the robot
private final Servos servos;
* all the possible values for the arm servo
public enum ArmServoPresets {
* all the possible values for the leg servo
public enum LegServoPresets {
* defines all the servos on the robot
public enum SampleServoName implements ServoName {
//enum name("hardware name", preset enum.values()),
ARM_SERVO("armServo", ArmServoPresets.values()),
LEG_SERVO("legServo", LegServoPresets.values());
private final String hardwareName;
private final Enum[] presets;
SampleServoName(String hardwareName, Enum[] presets) {
this.hardwareName = hardwareName;
this.presets = presets;
public String getHardwareName() {
return hardwareName;
public Enum[] getPresets() {
return presets;
public Class<? extends RobotCfg> getRobotCfg() {
return SampleRobotCfg.class;
* Create the SampleRobotCfg with the default servo starting positions
* @param hardwareMap the hardwareMap from the opmode
public SampleRobotCfg(HardwareMap hardwareMap) {
this(hardwareMap, ServoCfg.defaultServoStartPresetMap(SampleServoName.values()));
* Create the SampleRobotCfg with custom servo starting positions
* @param hardwareMap the hardwareMap from the opmode
* @param servoStartPresetMap the custom servo starting positions
public SampleRobotCfg(HardwareMap hardwareMap, Map<ServoName, Enum> servoStartPresetMap) {
// create the twoMotors object
twoMotors = new TwoMotors(
//get the left and right motors and wrap it with the EVLib Motor interface
Motors.withoutEncoder(hardwareMap, "leftMotor", false, true, stoppers),
Motors.withoutEncoder(hardwareMap, "rightMotor", true, true, stoppers),
false, //true for speed mode, false for power mode
servos = new Servos(ServoCfg.createServoMap(hardwareMap, servoStartPresetMap));
* gives the opmodes access to the drive motors
* @return the drive motors
public TwoMotors getTwoMotors() {
return twoMotors;
* gives the opmodes access to the servos
* @return the servos
public Servos getServos() {
return servos;
public void act() {
public void stop() {
With the servos now configured, we can move on to Adding Servos to TeleOp